Sunday, November 2, 2008

Installing Reason Factory Sound Bank

La Paz - Bolivia - Mediation IV World Congress 0647

Mediation IV World Congress starts on November 10

experiences high level of conflict and the acute political polarization experienced in the last eight years of democracy, as well a process of structural transformations initiated in 2006, is the context that offers Bolivia suitable for the IV World Congress will bring together Mediation in the cities of Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Tarija, El Alto and La Paz, 10 to 15 November, more than 20 professionals from different countries of Latin America and Europe, experts on culture of peace and alternative methods conflict resolution.

Bolivia, which is of worldwide attention because of the historical events which he lives, was chosen to host the IV World Congress of Mediation by resolution of the previous event held in 2005 in Valparaiso, Chile. Congress can open up spaces for reflection and implementation of a useful tool for building peace as mediation.

A time out the importance of the World Congress, the executive director of the UNITE Foundation, Ana María Campero, said that mediation is an Alternative Method of Dispute Resolution (ADR) considered as an alternative to the traditional process of justice ... is an informal process in which a neutral third party assists the parties in conflict to reach a voluntary, negotiated resolution. "

For a society such as Bolivia, mediation is an extremely useful tool for the construction of multiculturalism. It is therefore essential to identify the cultural interpretations of the facts in dispute and which the parties can recognize the vision gradually del otro para dar paso a salidas conjuntas a un conflicto.

La Fundación UNIR tiene a su cargo la realización del evento junto con la Universidad de Sonora y el Instituto Mexicano de Mediación. UNIR orienta sus esfuerzos en el campo de la construcción de paz a través de sus iniciativas de diálogo, formación de recursos humanos en análisis y negociación así como el periodismo para la paz.

Campero recordó que en la historia reciente de Bolivia, el Defensor del Pueblo, la Iglesia Católica y la Asamblea Permanente de Derechos Humanos cumplieron un importante rol, unas veces de mediadores y otras como facilitadores en situaciones de alta conflictividad.

En el contexto internacional, peaceful coexistence between human beings encountered in everyday life, with increasing violence in its various forms. Paradoxically it continues to expand its coverage in social spaces such as family, school and community as well as in other areas of human interaction, hence the importance of this international event. Event Info

• 10 and 11 November: Pre Congress in La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Tarija, Sucre and El Alto.
• November 12: World Congress in La Paz Mediation
• Participate more than 20 professionals in mediation of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Spain, France, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden and Tunisia.
(Source: Erbol)


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