Bolivia drives preparation as mediators in conflicts.
Until March 2009, Bolivia will have 200 professional mediators that promote the culture of peace and non-confrontation in conflicts today include media.
According to the newspaper La Prensa, this goal is of major agreements of the Fourth World Conference on Mediation which concluded yesterday in the city of La Paz.
Some 800 delegates representing 17 countries chose Brazil to host the next forum in 2009, added the newspaper.
participants on behalf of Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Spain, France, Guatemala, Mexico, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden and Tunisia assessed in six days to resolve conflict with the slogan "A road to the culture of peace. "
In the event of Bolivia approved the manifesto which insists that the mediator should "redouble efforts to influence human development in a liberating perspective." The paper notes
also that the challenges facing the world require a "strong development of the study of conflict" and called for expanding the range of research and scientific bases of mediation.
also proposes to create personal development processes in all areas so that their impact goes from family to society "by creating a culture of peace inertia."
text refers specifically to Bolivia, a country that "has an identity made up of multiple belongings" and recommend that intercultural mediation "to prevent the disappearance of different cultures or confrontation, and fragmentation of the country." At the opening
of this forum, Bolivian President Evo Morales, said that the best mediator is the people and urged delegates not to be impartial in resolving conflicts, as a rule generated by social injustice.
(Source: Prensa Latina)
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