Sunday, November 16, 2008

Beldray Ironing Boards Faults

0662 - Spain - Orientation and Family Mediation

Over 400 families use the service and guidance through the Department of Social Services in the first nine months of the year
marital problems, difficulties with children and conflicts related to separation and divorce focus of most queries

Service Orientation and Family Mediation Department of Social and Family Services handled a total of 418 cases in the first nine months. This is a program for families, couples or individuals who require support and a solution to those conflicts that may overflow. Thus, through this initiative is aimed at the restoration of communication between the couple, to try to reach an agreement satisfactory to both parties, the guidance to families, couples or individuals to prevent problems and prevention de situaciones de riesgo, deterioro de la convivencia y desestructuración familiar, entre otros objetivos.

Del total de casos, 302 correspondían al servicio de orientación (el 72,24%) y 116 de mediación (27,76%). En Zaragoza se ha atendido a 324 familias (238 en orientación y 86 en mediación); en Huesca 52 (42 en orientación y 10 en mediación) y en Teruel, 42 casos (22 de orientación y 20 de mediación).

Desde su puesta en marcha, la demanda de intervención de estos servicios ha sido creciente. En este sentido, la mayor parte de los problemas que se tratan son de tipo matrimonial o de conflictos con la pareja en las distintas etapas de la relación. En todos them, the goal is to give members an opportunity to resolve any issues that prevent a harmonious relationship. The use of the interview was widespread, although the problems are related to the couple. Another reason

focuses much of the query is related to periods of crisis or difficulties arising from the parent-child dynamics. In this sense, it detects the need to improve educational practices of families.

addition, there has been an increase in cases related to the problems of separation or divorce face the difficulties that arise as a result. Highlights the demand in terms the relationship of the children with their parents, the custody issue or how to explain to children the parents' decision about separation or divorce.
(Source: Office of Communication of the Government of Aragon)


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