With Highlander movie was created with the potential to create a franchise based on the adventures of the immortal Connor Macleod. However, the original script ended with a closed end, Connor expired and became the last of them, winning the prize and with it death and a mysterious power. Although the USA did not get as good results as it did in Europe, the video market rose to the film to cult status and raised producers continue the story.
However, the problem of closed-end was still there. How to explain that Connor returns to be immortal? How to bring back more immortal? This led to the famous story of alien origin Connor and Ramirez. The story thus stood in the near future where Connor, an old man, recovering when new immortal immortality of the planet Zeist traveling through space-time to end it. Although the film had a higher revenue than the original reviews were devastating.
This led producers to reconsider how to go back forgetting the saga of the film they had just done. What does that mean? For some elements of the first movie should be omitted, especially two:
- That was the immortal Connor which was completed the number and therefore the final duel began
- The closed end, Connor should continue to have more battles against other immortals after Kurgan
was then born the famous TV series , que en un principio iba a contar las aventuras de Connor hasta que finalmente se decidió crear a un personaje derivado, Duncan Macleod. En esta serie se olvidaron de aquel final cerrado y del hecho de que Connor fuera el ultimo inmortal en nacer y el ultimo inmortal vivo. Por tanto después de la batalla contra el Kurgan todavía quedaban varios inmortales. También se decidió a partir de la segunda temporada prescindir del Gathering, el momento de la reunión.
Christopher Lambert, el actor que interpretaba a Connor, solo participó en el primer episodio pues quería seguir su carrera en el mundo del cine, por lo cual muchos fans todavía se preguntaban que fue del Macleod original.
OF HIGHLANDER A ... ... ... ... ... .. 3 HIGHLANDER
But producers still had hopes to continue the adventures of Connor in the film and put it in some way, redeem himself after Highlander 2. Brad Mirman wrote the first script was subsequently revised and the film was released in 1994.
In Highlander 3, explains by flashbacks that years after leaving his home after the death of Heather traveled the world before arriving in Japan where he trained with another immortal who had been master of Ramirez. Also recounts his adventures during the time of the French Revolution and its love affair with a young woman named Sarah.
But as they did to continue the story of Connor in the present? So basically it was something like a Highlander 2. A few years after the death of the deadly Kurgan and Connor live in the cave until released Nakano 3 immortals who had known centuries ago. Having been caught could not attend the meeting in New York and therefore the final match restarted.
So basically forgot about that movie. While Highlander 2 was spent in 2024 and, therefore, the third film appeared to be a prequel to it, it was decided to remove all references to events after her, as the problem that arose with the ozone layer, which killed millions of people, including Brenda. In Highlander 3 Brenda was also dead but the cause was changed by a simple traffic accident
For Brenda Connor married and lived together until they had a traffic accident. In the same scene where he talks about it also makes it clear that this accident had left without ningñun Connor scratch. No But this contradicts the idea that the Highlander was mortal at that time.
Some argue that this may be to not actually won the award for 3 immortals still alive but the film makes it clear that Connor recovers immortality. Also it is thought that this may be a nod to the TV series, as fans wanted to know what had happened to Connor after the first episode. The movie could be in the continuity of the series in the event that there is more immortal still loose out there. This seems to have been intimated by the same producers an interview.
not know anything about Rachel, because by that time had left Connor Russel Nash's life and both had been fired shortly before fight Kurgan. Instead we are introduced to John, another adopted son Connor, much younger than Rachel.
also explains that the case of the deaths of Highlander 1 still remains open and that the police still suspect the involvement of Russell Nash. Detective Moran originally going to come back but ended up being replaced by a new character, Lt. John Stenn, who apparently had worked on the case or continued later.
The film ends in a manner similar to the original, Connor wins and gets the death again. However, a quickening through the old sword Macleod, as a nod to fans of the adventure may not be over.
With Highlander 3 was returned to give an end to the saga of movies Connor. For a time he planned a fourth movie where the series creator, Gregory Widen, would have more power, possibly recovering Ramirez's character in flashacks. But the TV series was coming to an end and then was planning to spin-off perform that character was going to star. This led Highlander the Raven, but the producers decided it was the opportunity to convert that Highlander Endgame Highlander 4 in the medium to tell one last story accompanied by Connor Duncan, with which it is rediscovered from the first episode . Therefore Highlander Endgame did not follow the storyline of H3.
While the film was part of the series of films, unrelated to the TV series, characters and flashbacks were incorporated into the universe through the Duncan comics. That appearance made people like Sarah Kane and Barrington. Also introduced a character forgotten original script by Brad Mirman, Thomas Cavanaugh, Connor's teacher who disappeared from the final script and was replaced by the immortal Pierre Bouchet, whose role was less important than that of Thomas.
also considered canon to the TV series of the car crash which killed Brenda, who is suspected may have been planned by Jacob Kell, an enemy of the universe Connor Duncan.